- The home where Gravedigger Grimm was born. Cinema Wasteland offers not only great deals on horror and exploitation films, but movie memorabilia as well. They are the host of Cinema Wasteland Memorabilia and movie expo twice a year now, a horror fan convention the likes of which are rarely seen. Check them out and tell them Gravedigger Grimm sent you.

- If you are looking for information on other horror hosts from the beginning to the end, then start your search here. Among the many fine faces you will find are those of A. Ghastlee Ghoul, The Bone Jangler, Dr. Creep, Prof. Anton Griffin, Count Gore DeVol, Baron von Wolfstein, The Ghoul, Son of Ghoul, all good friends of Grimm.

- Is there a horror fan out there who doesn't know about Fangoria? The best horror film magazine out there for some time now. And the web site offers information about the latest in mainstream horror films being released.

- Another of the best horror fan magazines out there, catering more to the hard core fans than Fangoria does.

TOE TAG PICTURES - The creators of one of the sickest films to ever be made. Pioneers in the new horror coming down the pike. Not for the squeamish...only for the daring!

- The web site for artist Tom Sullivan, the man who helped create and design the effects and production of THE EVIL DEAD. A good friend of Grimm, check out Tom's site AND his art.

- If you know of the classic horror magazine FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILM LAND then you know Basil Golgos. Basil was responsible for painting almost all of the covers for the magazine. To know him is to love him and Grimm loves this man and his art to death.

- A friend to Grimm for some time now, Cosmetic Mutations is a great place to find some unique full head masks. Site owner Brett Moore is the man behind the effects to the Ft. Wayne, Indiana,  lensed film THE SPELL OF 13.

- MUST BE 18 TO ENTER. One of the greatest independent studios still around today and a great friend to Grimm. Troma knows horror. Long live Lloyd!

- What can be said about Tom Savini that most fans don't already know? If you aren't acquainted with Mr. Savini and his work in the areas of effects make up, the  by all means check out this site.

- Joe Bob is offers his wit and wisdom as well as reviews of horror and drive in films with his own unique style. If you've never heard Joe Bob or been made aware of what he has to offer, make sure you stop in to discover all that is Joe Bob.

- The lovely Lynn Lowry made Grimm's acquaintance at the last Cinema Wasteland of 2004. A talented actress who has made her share of horror films, she has embarked on a singing career. Check out her web site and let her know that Grimm is a fan.


up above are some friends of the show and also the purveyors of some of the spooktastic tunes you hear on the show.  All on the same label for some of the best horror-surf music you ever heard, here they are, Gein and the Graverobbers, the Phantom Creeps, the Crimson Ghosts and Ghouls' Night Out!!!




       Demented Are Go Logo ButtonDemented Are Go Logo Button

Demented Are Go is pretty much the worlds deadliest and demented(obviously) psychobilly band in england and the world.  they took the stage in freeky costumes and makeup that made them look like undead car-crash victims way before GWAR was on the scene, all complete w/ stand-up bass, crazy hillbilly guitar, fast and primal drums, and charasmatic nihilstic lead singer.  check these guys out if you call yourself a real psycho!

How 'bout this for some local talent!  Here's how you can check out some of your other local entertainment, a link to some good friends of the Unearthed Midnight Theatre, and some really nice guys at that, the MIGRAINES! They've been described as equal parts 70's rock, 80's punk, and 90's pop--WOW what a combo!  Sounds like an awful lot to fit into one rockin' experience but I know first hand that they pull it off all the time.  Check 'em out!!!


Here's a link to some new friends of ours, and a couple fans of the show, vanessa reed and the vampire damien.  They design various clothes of older (and sometimes spookier) designs and if your lucky enough to click on the banner below, there just might be an ultra-hip article of clothing in your future.  So don't be afraid, get yourself some nicer threads, take em to the haunted cathouse and do the ultratwist!!! it just goes like this!!!


Here are some links to my horror host brethren:

MR. LOBO - A famed host with the most from the west coast who carries on the not-so-spooky atmosphere of people like Bob Wilkins and others from the 70's.  With others like Professor Anton Griffin going national, Lobo, too, is broadening his horizons by going into syndication on UATV!  One small step for a talented horror large step for ALL HORROR-HOST KIND!!!  Check out what we're talking about by clicking the image above or go to to voice your opinion about lobo if you like what you see.  Let 'em know this tradition is alive (undead) and well and that there IS an audience!

I ZOMBI - A famed horror host from Lexington, kentucky who hosts The Witching Hour. Check out his web page, where you can find his T Shirts and videos.

- UNDEAD JOHNNY - a new buddy of mine, and new blood, just like yours truly.  He hails out of the windy city which just got a little colder thanks to the undead charms of himself and the lovely dementia.  check these guys out if your looking for great horror hosting from the chi-town area.  rock it!

A. GHASTLEE GHOUL- Protégé of Dr. Creep and fellow Dayton, Ohio horror host, Ghastlee has an offbeat sense of humor you might enjoy. Check out his web page too.

THE BONE JANGLER - The Bone Jangler hails from Chicago and this Chi town host is one of the raciest in the world. Accompanied by the ever lovely Nocturna, Queen of the Coven, his show is seen in more states than any other current horror host.

COUNT GORE DE VOL - The ever present Count has been on the air since 1973 and can now be found online. Visit his web site and watch this week's episode.

DR. CREEP - The one who started it all, the one who helped Grimm on his trek to horror hostdom. Visit his site as well.

SON OF GHOUL - In the tradition of the great Ghoulardi, Son of Ghoul continues on in the Cleveland area, bringing some laughs and scares to the small screen.

PROFESSOR ANTON GRIFFIN - Austin's own hosts The Midnight Shadow Show. Not only does this host takes his duties seriously, he's used his podium to assist Goodwill in his area.

BUTCH R. CLEAVER - Dull by day, hot by night, this host has taken his love of B-movies to new levels. Make sure you stop by and see what he has to offer.

JAMI DEADLY - The ghoul of Grimm's dreams. A second reason to become a horror host, with the intent to one day meet the lovely Jami Deadly.

  TARR AND FETHER'S PSYCHO CINEMA -  A few more of Grimm's personal friends, a dynamic duo that outduos even Batman and Robin! Aring in the Liberty Center, Ohio area, some say from the actual bowels of a long since abandoned mental institute, Tarr and Fether bring the horror hosts experience to you on TV and on tape/DVD.  Check out their site for more information on both as well as some manical fun.