cinema wasteland, April 2005

Gravedigger Grimm and the fiends had the chance to head to the strangely eerie land of Strongville, Ohio, to take in a meeting of like minded creeps and scary fellows who love horror. Below are some pictures taken for you to enjoy.


            Grimm hits                  Grimm with Greydon C.ark,      Eileen Deitz, familiar face (?)
    Cinema Wasteland!             star of SATAN'S SADISTS      from THE EXORCIST. Yeah,
                                              and director of JOYSTICKS     she really was the scary face.
                                                                                               Who woulda thought?


    Grimm with the MAN!              Reggie Bannister talks           Jason Voorhees himself,
    Reggie Bannister from                  to the masses...                            Kane Hodder!
         PHANTASM!                         and they listened!

    Grimm with the REAL           Could it be? Yes it is, it's             Grimm with director
         Count Yorga,                   Baron Von Wolfenstein!        John "Bud" Cardos, who made
        Robert Quarry                                                                 "Kingdom of the Spiders"

Grimm, the Fiend and Mom        Grimm with "Night of the         Grimm with "Night of the Living
and Pop Cooper from"Night    Living Dead" star and first        Dead"'s co-author John Russo
of the Living Dead"-               zombie ever, Bill Hinzman            and Johnnie, Russ Streiner
Karl Hardman and
Marilyn Eastman
Grimm with the Son of Ghoul    Grimm with the Bone Jangler        Grimm with Dr. Tarr and
                                                  and....GOLDIE!!!!!!!                                Prof. Feather
Grimm with Tom B.Stone and        Grimm's second family!                Grimm and THE man with
his me silly!         A nice portion of the HHU      the plan, Ken Kish, the brains
        I forgot his name!                                                                    behind Cinema Wasteland!

Greydon Clark, Gary Kent,           Greydon Cark, Gary Kent,.         Can you name this UNMASKED
and John Cardos discuss          William Smith and John Cardos     man? If so we have something
Al Adamson and his films            talk about being stuntmen              for you. And nothing bad.
like SATAN'S SADISTS                                                                          E-mail us today!!!
which they all appeared in.
    Grimm with....Ash from            Grimm with the ladies of                 Grimm with returning
the EVIL DEAD series?!?!?        Satan's Sideshow. The ladies            friends from October's show
                                                       love that green!