Bands of the Unearthed Midnight Theater


Gravedigger Grimm enjoys his music like he enjoys his movies...filled with creepy crawlies! So if you like horror themed music or the best psychobilly/spookysurf/horrorpunk/deathrock around, then check out some of these bands...

  Gravedigger Grimm is quoted as saying......"the best band to rock and upright bass!!!"  Is there anymore that needs to be said?  HELL YES!  The Koffin Kats have been playing for only a few short years now and already they are commanding high sales over most of their label mates on Hairball8/Psychobilly U.S. Records...and Grimm knows because he sells them from time to time.  The Kats come from a place that has done a lot to breed loud and aggressive music, and a place filled with classic pop-music history in general...DETROIT!  With the likes of people like Iggy and the Stooges and the MC5, you're bound to have a very tight, energetic, and aggressive sound if you choose rock'n'roll as your drug of choice, and the Koffin Kats have done just that!  Playing in their area with the likes of Nuke and the Living Dead (see below), and playing all over the country with all kinds of psycho-heroes like the Nekromantix (Grimm was at that show, btw), Demented ARE Go, the Buzzcocks, etc., the Koffin Kats are rapidly making a name for themselves as one of the most talented bands to come out of the genre in years!  With a sound all on their own, it's really hard to compare them to anyone else but if you want to hear some of their influences, check them out at their myspace by clicking here.  Other than that, you are urged to seek out and attain your own copy of INHUMANE by the Unearthed Midnight Theatre's favorite band to rock an upright, the KOFFIN KATS!!!  Salvation is now on compact disc.  For fans of the Stray Cats, Demented ARE Go, Elvis Hitler, and the Misfits.

  The Brimstones play trashed out 60s garage rock mixed with surf instrumentals and a little bit of uncle scratch. Playing vintage instruments they have shared the stage with Demented Are Go and ? and the Mysterians. Take a look.

Demented Are Go are exactly as their name implies. One of the most horror influenced psychobilly bands around. Once you get a glimpse of lead singer Sparky and his make up you'll know what we mean.

Gein and the Graverobbers are one of the greats when it comes to spooky surf bands around. Not only that but they are friends of the show as well. As a matter of fact, Gein was gracious enough to offer the use of not only his music but that of another band he is involved with, The Phantom Creeps. It is their song that opens the show each week.

Black Cat Rebellion have been around for a short while now in the Central Indiana scene, but have made quite an impact.  Mixing rockabilly with a lot of 80's deathrock influences helps them come out with a sound that both swings AND scares!  Members of the band hail from all kinds of wild Indiana acts such as Blaster the Rocket Man, and the Cadavers!  Although they can be found at a lot of Indiana joints like Melody Inn or Bubba's Bowling for Punk Rock Night in Indianapolis, they recently just came back from a highly anticipated tour out west!   Grimm was fortunate enough to make friends with them back while doing a feature on them during the first season, and owes them a great debt for helping him find true love (or was it true love finding him?).  Although they already have quite a large following, it couldn't hurt for YOU to check them out right now.  So click on the picture above to visit their official site or click here to visit their myspace page where you can sample some of their dark rock and roll!  For fans of the Cramps, the Gun Club, and a little bit of Social Distortion.

Nuke and the Livind Dead have been horrifying Detroit for a while' that ain't no easy job!  With their new CD, "Dig This!" finally out, horror-punks everywhere can finally have a better impression of the chaos that ensues when these bad boys take the stage on ususpecting audiences!  Grimm can tell you from experience, if you don't wanna get hit with beer all night, don't dance in front of Nuke, but if you're not worried about what you're gonna smell like when the cops pull you over, just have at it and have a rockin' good time!  With songs like "Brew Crew" (also the name of the fan club), it's not hard to see what we're talking about.  Playing with other soon-to-be legendary horror rockers like the Koffin Kats, the Necrophilicons, and Country Bob & the Blood Farmers, these bunch of horrorific hooligans are sure to be a favorite on the Unearthed Midnight Theatre!  So check em out at the link above or click here to check out their tunes on their myspace site.  For fans of Graves-era Misfits, the Damned, the Cramps, and Elvis.

WOW!  What can be said about the Cryptkeeper Five that hasn't already been said about some of the other greatest rock'n'roll bands of all time?  Good God do these guys pack a mean raunchy punch!  Hailing from Trenton, New Jersey, these cats know what real rock'n'roll is all about!  They have just about what every good rock act needs, and Grimm's personal favorite R&R instrument, the SAXOPHONE!  And besides having drums, bass, and a three guitar lineup, they also rock the ebony and ivory too!  As you may have guessed by now, there are more than 5 members.  Actually there are 7 members, and we bet they're sick of hearing about it.  They're also the only NJ residents that Grimm's ever met who DIDN'T have a story about the Jersey Devil......weird in itself.  This is good ol' rock'n'roll, the way it used to be, the way the Sonics, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, or even Screaming Lord Sutch would have liked it.  Swingin' and swanky and raunchy as hell, the Cryptkeeper Five have got what it takes to be rock legends.  click the link above for their official site or click here to check out their tunes at  For fans of the Misfits, the Ramones, Eddie and the Cruisers, Screaming Lord Sutch, and Bruce Springsteen and the E-street seriously!

PERSONAL FRIENDS of Gravedigger Grimm and the rest of the Unearthed Midnight Theatre, these dark lords of Virginia are well on their way to wowing fans of horror rock all over the world!  That's no joke either, what with tours all over the US and Europe!  With a singer/songwriter duo like T.B. Monstrosity and Argyle Goolsby, this group of mishapen monsters are, we believe, destined to take the place of the Misfits in horror music mythology!  If you think we're kidding...we DARE you to make it to one of their shows.  You'll know exactly what we're talking about when you see Goolsby bellowing out crimson 'balads' like "These Walls" and "the Torn Prince", or when T.B. howls "Hellraiser" or "Dying Day".  But don't let these sentimental and sympathetic tunes confuse you....they can also really put the PUNK back in HORRORPUNK!  It's very easy to see on tracks like "Murder in the Pumpkinpatch", "Nosferatu", or "Reanimated"!  Another band that unfortunately gets grouped into that dreadful pigeon-holing title of "Misfits-clones", but to HELL with that!  These fiends are going to turn quite a few more heads in the near future and really shake off any harmful titles like that for good!  Check them out NOW at the link above or sample some tunes at by clicking here.

the Lurking Corpses are a definite favorite of Grimm's, and not only because he's good friends with the lead singer, Lord Vladimir Von Ghoul, but they also pack one hell of an old-school horror-rock punch!  Mixing a lot of old spook rock with 80's death-metal, these creeps tell disturbing (and usually graphic) tales of withches...mummies...and various body-parts concerning some of your favorite'll see what we're talking about if you get the chance to pick up their debut album, 23 Tales of Terror.  But while you're at it, keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming second full-length, This Blood's For You!  Von Ghoul croons out wonderful horrorpunk classics like "Meet me in the Graveyard" and "When Your Body Dies", while Count Lupos Lycanthrope the Mad shreds his guitar along with the Leper, on bass, for gems like "Sweet Lycanthrope" and "Bucket Of Flesh".  Baron Boneripper of the Hills has to be seen to be believed on the drums, as well.....such charisma!  So do not wait any further, please check them out by clicking the link above, or visit their myspace by clicking here.  For Fans of early Misfits, Slayer, and King Diamond/Mercyful Fate.

BY THE GRACE OF GOD (or is it by Satan???), we have our very own AUTHENTIC 80's Deathrock band on our roster!  Originally starting in Bakersfield, CA in 1983, these gloomy punks were first discovered by none other than Dead Kennedys frontman, Jello Biafra!  He signed them to Alternative Tentacles Records, invited them to play a few shows with the likes of the DKs, the Butthole Surfers, and 45 Grave, put out a 7-inch and hopefully prosper.....well, things didn't work out that way, unfortunately, due to them DISAPPEARING!  But never fear, members have since gotten together to try and pick up the pieces and make sure that the fans truly got what they deserved by putting out this complete discography, self-titled, repectively.  It features everything off the 7-inch from before as well as a few unrealeased tracks, and a few others that were recorded in recent years!  Biafra even does some of the liner notes, himself, and Grimm is inclined to agree with him that these guys were definitely well equiped to run along with the Bat Cave crowd, but had plenty more punk energy to really outlast some of them.  Just one o' those "what would have happened if" kinda things that we'll never know, but thankfully we can enjoy what was and what may be in the future!  Check them out at the link above or click here to sample their music on myspace!  For fans of early Christian Death, early TSOL, Agent Orange, UK Decay, and Bauhaus.

These West-coast rockers really bring an original sound to swingin' horror-influenced fact, their debut EP is titled "Songs for Swingin' Corpses".  With a vocalist that brings to mind the likes of Roy Orbison, Dave Vanian, and Lux Interior, it should be easy to see why these guys have gained such a good following while only being around for a short time and having limited releases (the above mentioned EP, and the pictured "Nice To Creature" single).  Almost every song is named after old B-classics like "Amazing Colossal Man" and "Ghost in the Invisible Bikini" and are loaded with the great feeling of rock'n'roll generations of the past.  A lot of Rockabilly...a little punk...a whole lot of soul, Ghost Train is sure to gain a lot of attention from fans of the genre and we are proud to have them on the show.....and you gotta love anyone who rocks the Echo Theremin!!!  For fans of the Damned and the Cramps and a little bit of the Big Bopper.

The Crimson Ghosts are a breathe of fresh (dead) air when it comes to tribute bands.....especially Misfits tribute bands.  Yes that's right, if it wasn't bad enough that most critics think every band that plays horror rock is a "Misfits-clone", there are still many bands that get crap even for covering the Misfits openly.  But the difference with the Crimson Ghosts is simply this...THEY'RE A SURF-INSTRUMENTAL MISFITS TRIBUTE BAND!  What does that mean?!?  That means you get to hear all your favorite Danzig-era Misfits classics like "Halloween", "Attitude", "Hybrid Moments", or "Where Eagles Dare" done the way people like the Trashmen or the Ventures would have liked to hear them....completely saturated in Reverb played by fender guitars, and surfin' their way on down to the graveyard!  Featuring members from other great Necro-tone bands such as Gein from Gein and the Graverobbers, and John Kozik from the Phantom Creeps, this spooky-surf super group is keeping the memory of the original horror punks alive, only with a lot more reverb.  Also, look for a couple of Samhain covers on there as well!  The songs actually lend themselves quite well to being done instrumentally, anyway.  So click the link above to check out their site or click here to sample some tunes at  For Fans of Danzig-era Misfits (duh!), Gein and the Graverobbers, the Ghastly Ones, and the Ventures.

WWWWWWWWATCH OUT, FIENDS!  There're some new superstars of horrorpunk on the big black black and they bring us 13 Tales of Terror just in time for Halloween!  And if you're like the rest of us, including Undead Johnny, EVERYDAY IS HALLOWEEN!  So why not just go on over to their myspace right now and give em a listen by clicking here!  Calabrese brings us a thick, full, pounding sound all the way from Phoenix, AZ, and BOY are they a'Rumblin'!!!  Their new album, 13 Halloweens, very much brings to mind the likes of Blitzkid and AFI, though Grimm can tolerate the vocals much more than from the latter mentioned band.  Some may compare them to the Misfits, which is cool, but they shouldn't be overlooked because of that.  They have a sound that is very heavy, very thick, and VERY melodic, which separates them quite a bit on their own.  Using sound clips in their songs from films like "Monsters Crash the Pajama Party" and "Brain that Wouldn't Die", it's clear that these demonoid greaser-punks are not taking themselves too seriously and are really trying to give us horrorgeeks a fun time!  For fans of Graves-era Misfits, AFI, Tiger Army, and Blitzkid.

Arising from the ashes of the Graves-era Misfits, our second generation drummer of Jersey's original spooky kids, Dr CHUD, is back and sicker than ever!  This time switching to vocals in favor of the sticks, he actually pulls off a much better job than a lot of 'fits fans would expect.  The good doctor has a very heavy and melodic sound with a knock-out stage presence to match.  Among the stage setup can be seen many pumpkins, half-decayed corpses, and if that's not creepy enough, you can always take a look at the band!  On guitars is another old school New Jersey horrorpunker, Dr. Fetus-eater, and a dark haired, dark eyed, tougher than death temptress who only goes by....Rebecca!  And if all that wasn't enough, Goolsby and Rhea M., from Blitzkid are filling in on bass and drums, currently.  Goolsby, himself actually appears on the first album (pictured above), "Diagnosis for Death," out right now on CHUD's own BLOODWORK Records!  In fact, the album has been released recently on LP on purple vinyl with an extra track so make sure to check it out when the good Doctor and his X-Ward come to your town!  The main thing to keep in mind when first listening to this new incarnation is not to expect it to be the Misfits.  However, fans of the Misfits will not be disappointed with the songwriting as CHUD, himself, was a cowriter for much of the Graves-era work.  He actually grew up and went to school with Glenn Danzig, Jerry Only, Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein, Eerie Von, Steve Zing, and everyone else from the gang.  And although some "hardcore" Fiend-Club members will balk at what they may consider a man riding the coat-tails of Mr. offense, but it is a pretty impressive effort compared to someone who hasn't released an original song since 1999.  Blasphemy?  Maybe.....but Dr. CHUD's W-Ward is definitely a force in the blossoming world of horrorpunk to be reconed with!  For Fans of Graves-era Misfits, 80's Alice Cooper, and Blitzkid.

P.S.  We love Jerry Only, and everything he does and no harm is intended by this review!

And look for a whole lot more on these FAB-FIENDS as well! COMING VERY SOON!!!......